The Roots of a Greener Home: 150+ ways to green your home

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A Map for an Eco-Friendly Journey – an Introduction to Roots of a Greener Home

The countless articles published every day on climate change, the depletion of the ozone layer, water shortages, air and water pollution, and carbon emissions remind us that our environment is suffering. Though it may be tempting to point fingers, we each must accept responsibility for the current problems.

So what do we do? How can we ever hope to mitigate, and perhaps even reverse, the crisis?

The solution lies in you and me. Since everyday decisions are to blame, doesn’t it make sense to change the thinking behind those decisions? But this can only happen through one person at a time. That’s where this book comes in. Filled with practical information and suggestions for greening your lifestyle and home, including basic how-to’s, the Roots of a Greener Home will help you take manageable steps towards sustainability. And the small steps you take can accumulate into big changes for the entire world.

Roots of a Greener Home describes more than 150 projects and practices that will help you “green” your home, your surroundings, and your lifestyle. The book is divided into four main sections: Home and Garden, Home Improvements, Home Savings, and Home and Lifestyle. Each of these sections is then further divided into categories that address the components of the home from roof to floor and everything in between, including landscaping, lighting, water conservation practices, energy savings, cleaning, health and nutrition, transportation, and home audits that can lower the consumption of natural resources.

Many projects can be implemented by homeowners while some require professional assistance.

Under each category, you will find a brief introduction along with a list of projects. Each project has following elements:

1.A brief explanation of the topic
2.Possible environmental benefits
3.Pros and cons from the homeowner’s perspective
4.Basic steps to give the homeowner a good idea of what is involved
5.Cost Estimator for a standard 1,500-square-foot home
6.Quick Tips that the homeowner needs to know to make the project better or easier and avoid potential problems
7.A Project Rating box that includes a rating for five attributes of the project: level of difficulty, cost, maintenance, home value, and savings. Please see below for further explanation.

Difficulty: This rating shows how difficult a project is to implement or execute.

Cost: This rating gives an idea of how expensive it is to implement or execute a project for a standard house of 1,500 sq. ft.

Maintenance: This rating gives an idea of the maintenance required for a project.

Home Value: This rating compares money spent to the amount of value added to home value and how appealing the change will make your home to buyers.

Savings: This rating shows potential savings as compared to the money you spent up front and the returns or payback.

These ratings may vary depending on the region.

By following the suggestions in this book, you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to address and improve many features in your home and to make better lifestyle choices in terms of eco-friendliness or contributions to sustainability. But Roots of a Greener Home will bring you greater advantages than simply lowering energy and water usage. Green living is cleaner, healthier living. It’s a lifestyle in which the air contains few contaminants; you get more exercise by walking and bicycling when possible; the food you eat contains fewer (or no) chemicals; cleaning fumes don’t cause respiratory illness in your family; the internal environment is more comfortable; the lighting is more natural; and even your landscaping is more natural and enjoyable to maintain.

Good luck on your green journey. We’re “rooting” for you!

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